Chocolate Cherry Recovery Smoothie

Mike's Mix Recovery Chocolate, Smoothies Leave a comment   , ,

Thanks to a Mike’s Mix customer for coming up with this refreshing and delicious post-workout smoothie. Have a craving for chocolate but you’re trying to stay healthy?  This smoothie won’t disappoint!  It will satisfy your craving and the recipe is quick and easy. Cherries are packed with the antioxidant anthocyanin, which both reduces inflammation and aids against heart disease.  Research has also shown frequently eating cherries can lead to a reduction in body fat and cholesterol regulation. This shake is also a perfect end of the day recovery drink as cherries contain the hormone melatonin that regulates our bodies sleep cycle.  With the addition of milk this recipe also adds a quarter of your daily calcium intake! If you’re counting calories you can skip the milk and reduce the serving of Mike’s Mix to two scoops.  Enjoy, this one it is delicious!

Workout Recovery ShakeIngredients:


Instructions:Combine all ingredients into a blender. Blend on low until the cherries are consistently liquified. For a thicker smoothie use 1/2 cup of skim milk.


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